Create a peaceful holiday you love, even without kids.

Create A Magical Holiday Mini-Training$44

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  • 1xCreate A Magical Holiday Mini-Training$44

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You'll discover:

  • the mistakes you might be making that are sabotaging your joy
  • how to create rock-solid boundaries around what you want to do and how you want to feel
  • simple steps for managing triggers and insensitive comments 

From there, you'll identify exactly how you want the holidays to look for you and intentionally manifest it all.

What's included:

  • quick bite-sized audio tips that you can listen to while on the go
  • journal prompts to uncover and dissipate what's really standing in the way of your best holiday
  • 10 minute meditations to get you in the most elevated frame of mind 
  • bonus kick-off call to get you through Thanksgiving (replay available after)
